Insights @ Faith Lutheran

June 18, 2020 Health Update

Written by Dr. Steve Buuck | Jun 18, 2020 8:56:48 PM
June 18, 2020 Health Update
Good afternoon, Faith Family. 
As you may know, Governor Sisolak issued the Declaration of Emergency Directive 022 last week which orders that schools in Nevada shall develop plans for reopening buildings and providing instruction and related activities for the 2020-2021 school year.  Those plans must be based on the document Nevada’s Path Forward:  A Framework for the Safe, Efficient, and Equitable Return to School Buildings and pursuant to any requirements of Section 6 of the directive and any additional guidance issued by the Nevada Department of Education.  Section 6 of the Directive states that such plans should contemplate distance education, in person instruction following strict social distancing protocols, or a combination of distance education and in-person instruction.  At this point, we are not contemplating a full distance learning plan for August.  We will either be fully on campus or utilize a hybrid model (some days online and some days at school) if that is the best way to comply with the document Nevada’s Path Forward.  In recently speaking with local, respected health experts, I was encouraged to learn that minor children have low susceptibility, low severity, and are low vectors of transmission of COVID-19.  That said, it is still a serious virus infecting many and must be handled with the care and concern it deserves.
A sampling of our current and ongoing discussions at Faith Lutheran include physical health screening, chapel, assemblies, after school activities, passing periods, hand hygiene, social distancing, masks/shields, building cleaning, transportation, food service, classroom layout, locker rooms, and how to stream classes live and/or video record them for those away from campus.  Feel free to respond to this email to share your insights, ideas, or thoughts as we look to reopen in the 20-21 school year.
Directive 022 states that we must communicate our plans to our Board of Directors and our families at least 20 days before the first day of the 2020-2021 school year.  Since our 6th graders begin August 10, we will have those plans to our board and to you no later than July 20, 2020.  7th-12th graders begin on August 11, 2020.
I am proud of the work and patience of our students, families, faculty, and staff and look forward to having folks back on campus in August.
May God grant you a safe, satisfying, and rejuvenating summer.
Steven J. Buuck, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer