Insights @ Faith Lutheran

Our Commitment

Posted by Dr. Steve Buuck on Jun 10, 2020 11:30:29 AM
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Published June 4, 2020 and emailed to Faith Lutheran students and families in light of recent events.
Dear Faith Family,
As a family, we are hurting, angry, and deeply saddened over the death of George Floyd and the other tragic deaths and injuries that have occurred.  We’ve spent the past week mourning, praying, listening and learning.  Our intention, as always, is to be informed, sincere, and actionable as we react to crises.  I didn’t want to be just another guy sitting behind a desk writing letters about injustices and violence for which I don’t have answers.  However, I feel compelled to share with you our recent conversations on campus. 
Micah 6:8 provides guidance for us, “...and what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.”  Faith Lutheran eagerly embraces this call to action.  Our students come first, and we are committed to moving forward purposefully while taking actionable steps to ensure that our school is a place where all people are heard, valued, and deeply loved. Counselors are always available at Faith Lutheran to help our students and families.  Email Mrs. Courtney Burns at to set up an appointment. 
From our initial conversations, we will commit to bringing in expert outside training for faculty and staff to best equip them for deeper conversations.  We will provide opportunities for students to engage in discussions to help bring understanding and healing.  We will continue seeking resources and guided programs to serve our student body and will update you on those programs as they are developed.  We commit to keeping honest conversations going in the coming weeks, months, and years. 
This letter does not solve things, and we don’t have all the answers.  We need your help moving forward.  As we continue to create the most impactful plan, we welcome your feelings, suggestions, and insight and commit to hearing them.  I have had conversations this week that have been eye-opening and humbling, yet have provided me with hope for Faith Lutheran’s role in the future.
Finally, as members of the Las Vegas community we pray for continued healing for LVMPD Officer Shay Mikalonis.  May God grant us all strength, patience, wisdom, courage, and discernment.
Steven J. Buuck, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer

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