One main distinguishing feature at Faith Lutheran is the faculty! Just over 200 individuals make up our faculty and staff and each year new teachers join in. This year we welcomed thirteen new members that first and foremost love Jesus, love teaching, and love helping students grow.
Topics: high school, middle school, Christian school, education, teacher, academics, las vegas
One main distinguishing feature at Faith Lutheran is the faculty! Just over 200 individuals make up our faculty and staff and each year new teachers join in. This year we welcomed twelve new members that first and foremost love Jesus, love teaching, and love helping students grow.
Topics: high school, middle school, Christian school, education, teacher, academics, las vegas
Topics: high school, Christian school, athletics, extracurricular activities, athletic recruitment, sports, teacher, faculty
Fail and Flourish: The Williams Research Greenhouse at Faith Lutheran
“Why are we building a Greenhouse?” A skeptical 8th grader asks. The purpose of this greenhouse is bigger than the plants, but rather than getting knee deep in a philosophical discussion about best educational practices with a thirteen year old, I instead reply, “It will have fish...” Based on their reaction, the student is satisfied.
Topics: high school, middle school, Christian school, extracurricular activities, education, resilience, independent children, co-curricular, collaboration, outdooreducation, greenhouse, researchgreenhouse
Woody Allen once said, “I'm not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” That’s cute and funny, but the reality is… he was afraid of death and it is going to happen – to all of us. I don’t know about you, but that scares me a bit. For the huge majority of the people in the world, even us Christians, death can seem scary. But as Jesus walked the face of the earth, death didn’t scare Him.
Topics: Christian Identity, mission, vision, values, culture, identity, Christian school, lutheran, theology, Jesus Christ, Easter, Good Friday
A few weeks ago, a team of 34 middle school and high school students traveled to Ensenada, Mexico to serve and learn. The goal was to build a home for a family in need but the end result turned out to be so much more. Read and watch the highlight video to learn about the mission trip and how our students grew in heart, soul, and mind.
Topics: Christian Identity, mission, Christian school, mission trip, mexico, ensenada, bajabound
We are so pleased to introduce the newest member of the Faith Family - Esther! Esther is a two month old Goldendoodle. She will begin working full time at Faith during the 2018-2019 school year but will be a regular visitor to campus during this training year. I’d like to take a moment to share more information about Esther, how she was “hired”, and what her role at Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School will look like.
Topics: high school, middle school, anxiety, culture, identity, Christian school, counseling, trauma, ptsd, shooting, lasvegas, education, Esther
Dearest Faith Families,
It’s the most wonderful time of the year (in my best Andy Williams’ voice!). The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes…I hope everyone loves the Christmas season! Around Faith Lutheran, our students, faculty, and staff will enjoy some well deserved time off to spend time with family and friends. And maybe open some presents.
Topics: Christian school, Christmas, Grinch, Jesus Christ, Easter
“Of course you’d send your kids to Christian schools…You and your wife teach at one…”
Yet, our family would fare better financially if we went back to the public school our children were in two years ago. So then, “Why would I send my kids to a Christian school?”
Topics: Christian Identity, advice, Christian school, theology, the three estates, education
What a tremendous few days. As I type this at 36,000 feet on our flight to Las Vegas from Houston, our team is heading back home tired yet fulfilled.
Topics: Christian Identity, high school, Christian school, mission trip, houston