Woody Allen once said, “I'm not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” That’s cute and funny, but the reality is… he was afraid of death and it is going to happen – to all of us. I don’t know about you, but that scares me a bit. For the huge majority of the people in the world, even us Christians, death can seem scary. But as Jesus walked the face of the earth, death didn’t scare Him.
Topics: Christian Identity, mission, vision, values, culture, identity, Christian school, lutheran, theology, Jesus Christ, Easter, Good Friday
Good Friday? What is so good about Good Friday? Is this an appropriate title for such a day? In my younger days, I always viewed this as the most depressing day of the year. Churches are dark, pastors often wear black, fewer candles are lit, people are somber, the music is depressing. We often leave the sanctuary in silence. What’s so good about Good Friday?
Topics: Christian Identity, mission, vision, values, lutheran, gifts, theology, Jesus Christ, Easter, Good Friday
“Of course you’d send your kids to Christian schools…You and your wife teach at one…”
Yet, our family would fare better financially if we went back to the public school our children were in two years ago. So then, “Why would I send my kids to a Christian school?”
Topics: Christian Identity, advice, Christian school, theology, the three estates, education